Information Security Policy



Our company provides services in the field of "Logistics and Transportation Services; Customs and Foreign Trade Transactions and the Security Measures Used to Protect Information Assets in These Transactions and Related Logistics, Warehousing, Accounting, Finance, and IT Activities." Our company is committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and all physical and electronic information assets. Information and information security requirements will be aligned with our corporate goals. Our management will employ well-educated and competent personnel open to change, provide the financing necessary to compete with our competitors in the sector, and maintain adequate equipment and infrastructure. This infrastructure and personnel will be supported with the necessary financing.

Business continuity and emergency plans, data backup procedures, protection from viruses and hackers, access control systems, and information security breach notifications will form the cornerstones of our primary activities. The vulnerabilities and threats identified as a result of risk assessments will be mitigated, ensuring secure access to our customers' and personnel's information.

Additionally, based on risk assessments, our objectives will be determined, and the necessary resources and conditions to achieve these objectives will be provided. To implement this policy, we expect our employees to adopt the requirements of the Information Security Management System as their working style. All personnel and certain third parties will receive appropriate training related to the Information Security Management System.

Our company will ensure the adaptation of personnel and all relevant parties to the system to meet applicable requirements related to information security and continuously improve the Information Security Management System. Our Information Security Policy is reviewed and updated annually or whenever there are significant changes related to our company to ensure its appropriateness, accuracy, and effectiveness, with the participation of management and unit managers.



General Manager
